Date: Thu, 14 Mar 1996 00:22:21 -0500
Subject: Blinky milk etc
There seems to have been quite a discussion yesterday about various things
that can happen to milk that one might or might not want to have happen.
Despite the fact that. For the most part they struck this New Yorker as words
one reads about in dialect studies. In other words, I know more about where
people say CLABBER than I know about what it is. The exception was BLINKY,
which I picked up somewhere along the way, probably during my grad school
years in Austin. Since I can actually reach my copy of Atwood (_Regional
Vocabulary of Texas_) while sitting at my computer, I checked what Atwood had
to say. As of 1950 or so, when his data were collected, BLINKY was somewhat
less archaic than BLUE JOHN, which was decidedly archaic. CLABBER in contrast
was universal.
Donald Lance asserted in the meantime that with homogenization and
pasteurization, milk doesn't do any of these things on its own. Well, Donald, I
don't claim any kind of magic touch. But milk from my local Stop-n-Shop if
left alone when I'm out of town most definitely does get blinky. I couldn't
swear to it, never having encountered clabber in its native habitat, but I'm
pretty sure I generated some clabber only a few years ago. After I poured it
down the drain and ran the disposal, I went out for dinner!
Now, in response to Bethany's question about this Thursday and next
Thursday...On Tuesday, both this Thursday and next Thursday are the day after
tomorrow. On Friday, this Thursday is yesterday and next Thursday will occur
in six days, next week. I don't recall any confusion or mix-ups about this
either in my native region (New York) or when I lived in Texas or Florida. Of
course, in those episodes, most of my contacts were University-type folks, and
perhaps not linguistically representative.
Alice Faber