Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 14:02:11 +0900
Subject: mapping dialect spread
I have a question for ADS-L about language variation. (Surprise!)
In Japan there are a lot of studies showing how linguistic features
spread from a geographical center (like a big center), or how two
linguistic features butt up against each other as they spread into the
area between two cities. The diffusion aspect comes in because data is
gathered from speakers of 3 (or 4 or 5) different age groups at each
I know of no such studies of U.S. dialects, and am planning to write (in
an upcoming article) that are practically no such studies in the U.S.
Anyone know of any I can list as exceptions to this? The article (in
Japanese) is about differences between U.S. and Japan
dialects/dialectology, and I want to use this as an example of
differences in the focus of research.
I know of some work on English dialects that is in general concerned
with the geographic and
temporal aspects of language spread. Trudgill, for example, talks about
language spread in Dialects in Contact but no details about ages of
speakers or exact locations are given there.
I recall reading OF an article several years ago that I believe was
about language spread in the midwest, say, Indiana. Does that ring a
bell with anyone? Could this have been a Timothy Frazer article? It is
rather difficult for me where I am to browse journals, so I would
appreciate any help you could offer.
Also, if you don't mind, would you respond to the list with this rather
than just to me personally. I find that that tends to prime the pump
and encourage other people to respond.
Danny Long
(Dr.) Daniel Long, Associate Professor
Japanese Language Research Center
Osaka Shoin Women's College
4-2-26 Hishiyanishi
Higashi-Osaka-shi, Osaka Japan 577
tel and fax +81-6-729-1831
email dlong[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]