Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 21:00:20 -0500
From: "Claudio R. Salvucci" salvucci[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]NETAXS.COM
Subject: Re: Immigrants' learning of English
Postscript: On re-reading my post, I realize that I implied that Ellen
Johnson said that new immigrants should "show their gratitude" by
learning English. She was citing Claudio Salvucci, rather, who claimed
(as I recall) that his parents learned English for this reason. Sorry,
Uhhh.. that's not what I said. They learned English because they moved
here, became Americans, and Americans speak English. What I said about
pride was that it was a contributing factor in English acquisition, which
it undeniably was and hopefully still is. Saying pride was/is the only
factor though, would be pretty dumb.
I seem to recall someone wanting some evidence that first gen. immigrants
could achieve reasonable competancy in English. My parents' generation did
learn English very well after they came here in their mid 20s. They were
literate in Italian, but had not studied English whatsoever before coming.