Date: Mon, 23 Mar 1998 09:58:57 -0500
From: Grant Barrett gbarrett[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]DFJP.COM
Subject: RE dubbing
Guesswork and thoughts on "dubbing":
1. It's been five years since I worked in radio, but the term "dubbing" is
omnipresent there, to mean "making a copy to magnetic tape." The source media
is irrelevant, as long it's not live. If it's live, you're just taping or
recording it.
2. I now work in advertising, and my peers seem to use "dubbing" to mean "make
an exact copy from one tape to another" usally referring to video. Side note:
they still use "reel" to indicate an archive of television commercials we've
done, even though they are now stored on half-inch or three-quarter video
cassettes rather than film reels.
3. Every dual cassette deck I know has a manual or buttons that use "dub" or
"dubbing" to indicate the process of copying one tape to another.
4. Reggae music has an interesting use of the word "dubbing" to mean something
like "freestyle rhyming over a beat track or repeated musical theme." This is
more likely to be found in "dancehall reggae" and "ragamuffin." See the works
of Lee Scratch Perry whose "dub beats" are hard to top.
5. I have a feeling (whoop! whoop! guess alert!) that we're not talking about a
case of back-borrowing here. If we could get ahold of a user's manual from any
dual-deck magnetic tape device from the early days of the technology, I suspect
we will find the word "dub" in some form there.
Grant Barrett
Date: 3/23/98 8:25 AM
To: Grant Barrett
From: Daniel Long
Isn't the word "dubbing" used these days in English to mean "recording
from tape to tape"?
When I came to Japan 15 years ago, I remember people using the word
"dabingu" in this way, and my telling them that we didn't use the word
that way in English, that we used it only in the sense of "dubbing"
foreign films, etc. But it seems that this new meaning is now common
in English. When did this usage first come about in English? Could it
be a semantic back-borrowing because of the Japanese influence of the
recording device industry? Any ideas?
Danny Long
Daniel Long, Associate Professor NEW tel +81-6-723-8297
Japanese Language Research Center NEW fax +81-6-723-8302
Osaka Shoin Women's College dlong[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
4-2-26 Hishiyanishi
Higashi-Osaka-shi, Osaka Japan 577