End of ADS-L Digest - 21 Mar 1998 to 22 Mar 1998
From: Automatic digest processor (3/22/98)
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ADS-L Digest - 20 Mar 1998 to 21 Mar 1998 98-03-22 00:00:16
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There are 17 messages totalling 619 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. standardization of non-standard forms (2)
2. Emma Thompson's jaw (2)
3. The Burial of "ALLELUIA" (3)
4. TV Dialogue standards (3)
5. indirect speech acts
6. Annoy those Yankees! (fwd from a student) (3)
7. METHODS (2)
8. "of" everywhere?
Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 23:54:38 -0600
From: Mike Salovesh t20mxs1[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]CORN.CSO.NIU.EDU
Subject: Re: standardization of non-standard forms
Just adding local data that surrounds me daily. In local speech, it's
"chase lounge" (most often referring to patio furniture)
"bedroom suit" (term of art for local auctioneers and 'old
family' furniture salesmen and store owners. Gendered
'salesMEN' was a conscious choice of words.)
"Bedroom suit" was also used by auctioneers and furniture salesmen in
and around Lafayette/West Lafayette, Indiana 25 or 30 years ago.
DeKalb, Illinois is about 60 miles due west of downtown Chicago. The
community splits socially into three groups: town, gown, and farm make
good suggestive labels. What I report here is the speech of town and
farm. I often hear university people make fun of these specific items
in local speech.
Adults whose family roots in the county go back for more than a
generation generally orient away from Chicago: their big city tends to
be Rockford, Illinois. Basic speech patterns are distinctly NOT
Chicagoan. (Academics, OTOH, look to Chicago, its concerts, museums,
plays, and stores, rather than Rockford.) It no longer surprises me to
be so close to Chicago and hear what I used to think of as southern
regionalisms in normal local speech. What was at fault was my own
simple view of dialect geography, which is lots more complex than I used
to think.
Example: Despite the occurence of lots of items that I once thought of
as "southern", DeKalb joins northern speech in rhyming the first
syllable of "any", "many", "penny" with "hen" and "men". Lafayette,
Indiana is south of that dividing line, in dialect, and rhymes those
words with "skinny". (Their first syllable rhymes with "pin" or
I suggest that "southern" may be the wrong label here. A lot of
so-called southern words and ways of pronouncing words of wider
distribution are common right here in northern Illinois. (I even
remember hearing a TV announcer advertising "bedroom suits" on KSTP-TV,
up in Minneapolis/Saint Paul.)
Maybe "rural" (or "rural Midwest") might better fit the facts.
-- mike salovesh salovesh[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]niu.edu
anthropology department
northern illinois university PEACE !!!