Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 12:18:17 -0500
From: Beverly Flanigan flanigan[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]OAK.CATS.OHIOU.EDU
Subject: Re: seeking textbook advice
I too received a copy of the Barry book, and it looks very good as a
textbook (suggested for a one-semester class in brush-up grammar). It
incorporates concepts of constituent categories and hierarchical structure
(helpful for consciousness-raising, for ESL learners too), but it also
acknowledges variation: on reflexives, for ex., 'hisself' and 'theirselves'
"are stigmatized forms, but you certainly can't fault their logic!" (p.
87). However, I'd guess the original correspondent wants his son to learn
standard (written) _usage_, not grammar per se; and in that case, Strunk
and White is concise and direct. I doubt that the son would wade through
Barry, or the various and wonderful books by Greenbaum et al.--unfortunately!
At 11:37 AM 3/20/98 -0500, you wrote:
I just received Anita K. Barry's English Grammar: Language as Human
Behavior (Prentice hall, 1998) and it looks like it might fit the bill.
Its chapters read "What are Nouns," What are prepositions," etc., and
each chapter contains practice exercises. On Thu, 19 Mar 1998, Bethany K.
Dumas wrote:
Mark, the very best thing I know is the little Strunk and White _Elements
of Style_, now in its 15th+ edition -- 16th, maybe. It is invaluable in
situations like your correspondent described. It's short, simple, easy to
use, not fussy. No theory, just practical advice.
Second best: The _Texas Style Manual_ (approximate title), a tiny book,
used often by law reviews. Similar to above, a little fussier.
If others know of other resources, I would like to know about them.