Date: Fri, 20 Mar 1998 15:53:50 -0500
From: Beverly Flanigan flanigan[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]OAK.CATS.OHIOU.EDU
Subject: Re: Last call for classvideo input
At 12:11 PM 3/20/98 -0700, you wrote:
This Monday I need to get to work on writing up my findings but I'd like to
request once more the assistance of all of you on ADS-L (or as many of you
as have time to help) with the next issue of the ADS Teaching Newsletter
(an insert in the NADS, appearing once or twice a year). Thanks to all of
you who have responded so far. I'd still like to know from as many more
of you as possible what VIDEOS you've actually been using in your
language-related classes.
If you are pressed for time, you can just fill in the following template:
TITLEs OF YOUR COURSEs: Intro. to the Study of Language, Language in
America, Language and Culture, Language of Women and Men, Sociolinguistics,
Language Acquisition (six taught most often by me!).
STUDENT LEVEL: (high school, college freshman, sophomore-junior, senior,
graduate) First four are undergraduate, last two are graduate-level.
***and for EACH video you use:
We use so many videos I won't be able to recall them all. Below are a few;
if I have time later, I'll fill in publ. data, but for now I'll just list
TITLEs: "American Tongues," "Baby Talk," "Language," "Genie," "Can Chimps
Talk?," "In Search of the First Language," "The Human Language" (3 parts,
use excerpts), and "The Brain"--all used in part or whole for undergraduate
Intro. to Study of Language course.
Several parts of "The Story of English" (Black English and Pidgins and
Creoles esp.); video copies of a Dick Cavett series on Black English,
Standard AmEng, and political jargon--all used in Language in America course.
Videos on Franz Boas and a series on "Going International," plus
student-made videos on gesture and body language--for Lang. and Culture.
Several of the above and Chomsky giving a lecture at MIT on language
acquisition--for Lang. Acquisition course.
"American Tongues," "Black English" and P&C videos from "Story of
series, Labov giving a LAVIS II lecture on divergence in Southern AmEng
phonology, and a BBC/Gumperz video on "Cross Talk"--for Sociolinguistics.
"Men, Women, and Language" (a Penn State video), "He Said/She Said" (D.
Tannen in PBS interview), and a short video on "Language in the Workplace"
(D. Tannen in 20/20 interview)--all for Lang. of Women and Men course.
(Obviously many of these are from the PBS "Nova" series; others have
taped off the home screen or purchased from catalogs. Ironically, I
haven't seen "Yeah, You Rite" yet! Nor am I including the many video
series we use in our TEFL methodology courses.)
PUBLISHER: (the production company, if you know it)
ORDERING INFO: (where the video is ordered from, and the price if you know
SUBJECT MATTER: (in a couple of sentences, what's on the tape).--Most of
these are familiar to our readers, I suspect.
IF YOU HAVE A LITTLE MORE TIME, I'd appreciate hearing from you, in a
paragraph or three, what scenes you particularly call your students'
attention to, and why those scenes are important to your teaching goals in
the course.
I'll be compiling your responses until March 23 (at which point I have to
write them up and send them on to NADS). I hope you can find a little
time between now and then to respond.
I particularly like to thank Bethany Dumas for giving me the inspiration
for this topic with her recent post about "Yeah you rite!"
Keep in in mind too, that you and any of your colleagues are invited to
submit items to the _Teaching Newsletter_ any time. In the past we've
published reviews of textbooks and other classroom supplements, as well as
From: Automatic digest processor (3/20/98)
To: Recipients of ADS-L digests
ADS-L Digest - 18 Mar 1998 to 19 Mar 1998 98-03-20 00:00:10
There are 15 messages totalling 462 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. "bored of" (4)
2. herfers, herfs, and crawls
3. arbitrariness of derivational morphology (2)
4. seeking textbook advice (4)
5. ADS at SAMLA Call for Papers
6. FBI, voice identifcaiton, and dialect
7. OF, the universal preposition
8. Help - I'm drowning
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 21:33:12 -0800
Subject: Re: "bored of"
Lately on campus I've heard a number of young students use the phrase "bored
of" as in "I'm bored of this course." It's really been driving me up the
wall. But even worse, today I overhead someone say, "I'm sorry. Are you
embarrassed of my question?"
Is this just a local thing (British Columbia), or has anyone else noticed
this odd use of "of"?
Devon Coles