End of ADS-L Digest - 18 Mar 1998 to 19 Mar 1998
From: Automatic digest processor (3/19/98)
To: Recipients of ADS-L digests
ADS-L Digest - 17 Mar 1998 to 18 Mar 1998 98-03-19 00:01:38
There are 12 messages totalling 400 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. They didn't think?
2. Fargo (5)
3. arbitrariness of derivational morphology (3)
4. Fwd: dialect
5. Sources for audio tapes of American regional dialects (2)
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 16:59:04 +1000
From: Ross Chambers maelduin[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]OZEMAIL.COM.AU
Subject: They didn't think?
I did say that I would refrain from posting unAmerican information,=20
however the following was too hard to resist--Sorry!
From the Letters to the Editor "The Australian" March 17, 1998:
Ignorance is bliss. I note with amusement that the good citizens of=20
Pansy Street in Cairns (Queensland, Australia rc) have had their street=20
nmae changed because of its prissy overtones. The street is now called=20
Hyacinthus was a pre-Hellenic god worshipped at Amyclae. His cult was=20
subordinate to that of Apollo, and he was known to be beautiful boy with=20
whom Apollo was in love.
Hyacinthus was killed accidently when struck on the head by a discus. A=20
grief-stricken Apollo subsequently mourned for him, in token of which=20
the flower of the same name was created.
How ironic that people lobbied to change the name of their street=20
because of its perceived homosexual overtones, only to adopt one that=20
has a specific homosexual reference!.
Regards - Ross Chambers
Ross Chambers Sydney Australia maelduin[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]ozemail.com.au
"L'Australia non =E8 solo agli antipodi, =E8 lontana da tutto, talora anc=
da sa stessa."
(Australia is not only at the Antipodes, she is away from everything,=20
sometimes even from herself)
Umberto Eco