Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 14:35:28 -0500
From: Beverly Flanigan flanigan[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]OAK.CATS.OHIOU.EDU
Subject: Re: Fargo
I'm not sure this went through; will try again.
Date: Wed, 18 Mar 1998 13:27:59 -0500
From: Beverly Flanigan flanigan[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Subject: Re: Fargo
Linda, as a native Minnesotan, I have to disagree with others on the value
of Jim Crotty's book. If you were an undergraduate in my "Language in
America" course, _perhaps_ I'd allow you to use his book as a starting
point, but I'd also expect much more research (and my undergrads, most
non-majors in Linguistics, do pretty sophisticated research, analyzing
vowels in particular, as well as peculiar syntactic structures). But since
you're a graduate student, you should most certainly go deeper than either
the book or the movie--my lit majors aren't excused either! Check out
Harold Allen's _Linguistic Atlas of the Upper Midwest_ first (as Tom
Creswell suggested), and then do a CD-Rom (or print bibliography) search
under such topics as Northern dialects of AmEng, vowel raising (esp. the
schwa in diphthongs--also called "Canadian Raising" but common throughout
our region), syntactic features such as verb + particle (as in "come
with"), etc. Be aware too (as I'm sure you are, as a Wisconsinite) that
"Fargo" exaggerates the regional features, even though it's fairly
representative. And Crotty's work focuses on idiomatic expressions (like
"you betcha"), not grammar and pronunciation.
At 10:50 AM 3/18/98 -0600, you wrote:
Hello everyone--I have recently subscribed to this list for the purpose of
obtaining some help writing a paper, but I have been enjoying reading the
messages immensely. Here is my dilemma: I am taking an intro. Linguistics
class (grad. level but my first exposure), and I would like to write a
paper about the north central (or upper midwest?) dialect, particularly as
it is portrayed, etc. in the movie Fargo. I chose this topic since most of
my family came from northern Wisc. and I have been surrounded by this
speech (in a much less exaggerated form of course) all my life. So far I
am having little luck finding any scholarly sources--I may be looking in
the wrong indices since I am a lit. major. Can anyone help me--or at least
steer me in the right direction?
Linda McMillan
lindi[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]netnitco. com