Date: Tue, 17 Mar 1998 09:52:53 -0500
From: Alan Baragona baragonasa[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]VAX.VMI.EDU
Subject: Re: midwestern pronunciation
At 01:02 AM 3/17/98 -0600, Donald M. Lance wrote:
The way these pronunciations would have been related to join/jine, as I
assume you understand in your reference to earlier British English, is that
the "long i" was schwa-I rather than ah-I and "oi" had a centralish onset
as well. I wouldn't be surprised to find some Americans in many parts of
the country in the 19th century with vowels of that sort. So it could have
been a rhyme or near rhyme. Your original posting didn't give enough of
the context to allow for more than speculation. Could the poet have been
playing with language?
Doubtful that this is deliberate language play. The clumsiness of that
opening stanza seems typical of Dunn's verse. He was a folk poet with no
pretensions to quality. This partiular book of poems went through 5
editions (at least) but probably as much for the agricultural advice in the
back as for the poetry.
Alan B.