Date: Sat, 14 Mar 1998 15:11:26 +1000
From: Ross Chambers maelduin[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]OZEMAIL.COM.AU
Subject: Introduction
As a new subscriber, may I introduce myself? I've strayed across from=20
the "Finnegans Wake" list (Gidday Greg D.) I'm in Sydney,=20
Australia--where many old American catchphrases and slang terms go to=20
die. However, Australia claims a rich heritage of national dialect. I=20
understand that this is somewhat "offlist", so while I would be pleased=20
to attempt to answer any queries in this area, I anticipate being a=20
wallflower at present.=20
Kind regards - Ross Chambers=20
Ross Chambers Sydney Australia maelduin[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
"L'Australia non =E8 solo agli antipodi, =E8 lontana da tutto, talora anc=
da sa stessa."
(Australia is not only at the Antipodes, she is away from everything,=20
sometimes even from herself)
Umberto Eco