Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 10:22:06 -0500
From: Grant Barrett gbarrett[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]DFJP.COM
Subject: Dialect Discrimination
I received this from the EDIE list and think it might be of interest here, too.
Please pardon me if you also subscribe to EDIE-L and have already seen this.
Grant Barrett
Begin quote:
I thought this might be of interest to anyone who's not heard about the
case already: it's a report by Gavin Innes in 'The Scotsman' newspaper
(3rd March 1998) entitled "Police Dog 'could not understand Scots accent':
Alsatian blamed for PC's course failure, tribunal told."
The case has been discussed, somewhat flippantly, on BBC radio news, and
was brought up as a joke topic on the BBC Radio 4 'News Quiz' comedy
programme of Saturday 7th March 1998, to the great amusement of the
studio audience. As one would expect, given the rather uneasy
relationship between the Scots and the English, the potentially serious
implications of a case like this are defused by trivialising the issue.
Try replacing 'Scottish/Glaswegian' with 'Pakistani', 'Yiddish' or
'Jamaican' in the passage below, however, and it's clear how far positive
race relations practice on the part of the Met and other forces UK-wide has
taken us. That is, had McPherson been a member of one of the 'recognised'
minority groups - south Asians, Jews, Afro-Caribbeans, etc. - the case
could never have come to court in the form we read about below.
What disturbs me is the fact that a barrister is happy to accept a
situation in which having a Glaswegian accent renders one unsuitable even
for communication with dogs (we can only assume that this implies that
human beings are liable to have similar problems with this accent). What
exempts Scots from the kind of tolerant and enlightened treatment we expect
in c
From: Automatic digest processor (3/12/98)
To: Recipients of ADS-L digests
ADS-L Digest - 10 Mar 1998 to 11 Mar 1998 98-03-12 00:00:25
This message contains more text than QuickMail can display. The entire message
has been enclosed as a file.
There are 35 messages totalling 1398 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Q: "free indirect discourse"
2. standardization of non-standard forms (12)
3. "spittin' image"
5. standardization of nonstandard forms (2)
6. call for papers - ADS at SCMLA
7. "Take Me/Us to Your Leader"
8. Shaggy-Dog Story
9. "A prosecutor could indict a ham sandwich" (6)
10. Ring around the rosie(s) (5)
11. interesting stuff here
12. wife-beaters
13. Accent Reduction Therapy - Yoruba (2)
Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 00:28:31 -0500
Subject: Q: "free indirect discourse"
Can anyone, perhaps in an English department which teaches stylistics
and literature, steer me toward a source of expertise or a good current
bibliography on "free indirect discourse"? I first encountered uses of
this device in the works of Z. N. Hurston and I remain particularly
interested in its uses by 20th-century American writers. Many thanks.
- Maggie Ronkin