Date: Wed, 11 Mar 1998 09:08:22 -0500
Subject: Re: standardization of nonstandard forms

Message text written by INTERNET:dlong[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]

One of my father's pet peeves is [kalvari] for cavalry. This is a
lexical thing (or what Chambers and Trudgill would group as a
"pronunciation" thing; just because people say this doesn't mean they
say [relveri] for revelry). It seems to be common.

Happened to hear the REVERSE of this pronunciation malapropism this past
weekend (Mar 7, 1998) in Exeter, NH. It was said to me by a local
resident, apparently from the area, by the sound of his speech. He was
giving me directions to Portsmouth, NH (about 10 miles away), and mention=
a "Calvary Cemetery" as a landmark. But he said "cavalry". "Calvary
Cemetery" is indeed the name of the place he used as a landmark.

btw, the above is a good example of one of the things I love about the AD=
list (though I do discard many things that come in that are not of intere=
to me). I know of no other vehicle in which a random tidbit of linguisti=
information, heard in the normal course of life, could be made potentiall=
useful to someone in a professional community. I personally have no
immediate use for this malapropism in my work, nor do I foresee a use. B=
someone "out there" seems to have an interest in this, and here is some

One might say that "in the old days" this sort of thing would be sent to
Notes & Queries, which served the same purpose. That is true in part. B=
we, each of us, hear and read so many things, and it's my contention that=

though every day some bits of what we encounter strike us as new or
strange, we don't pause to make note of them all, and soon we forget them=

(or some of them) and move on. Nothing may come along later to remind us=
=2E =

I'm happy, in this case, to be able to pass along something I paused over=
that seems relevant to a thread.

Sorry to trouble you with personal reactions, but I had not seen this sai=
I'm excited by the potential for scholarship in this new medium.

Frank Abate
OUP US Dictionaries