Date: Thu, 5 Mar 1998 20:30:06 -0500
From: "Bethany K. Dumas" dumasb[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UTK.EDU
Subject: In Memoriam, Tom Clark
I did not know that Tom Clark was ill last Fall as we exchanged what turned
out to be our last mail messages. I am saddened by his death and, like Ron
Butters, will miss him as both colleague and friend.
I first met Tom at the First International Methods Conference in 1972; we
all spent a week on Prince Edward Island discussing dialectology, eating
seafood, and drinking more alcohol that was good for any of us. My, did we
have a good
From: Automatic digest processor (3/5/98)
To: Recipients of ADS-L digests
ADS-L Digest - 3 Mar 1998 to 4 Mar 1998 98-03-05 00:00:32
There are 7 messages totalling 280 lines in this issue.
Topics of the day:
1. Wash and Wear; WSJ project
2. Tom Clark memorial (2)
3. Rearend/seat (was Re: Butt (was Re: thong))
4. dialectal loanwords - mebos
5. US/NIS Curriculum Development Exchange Program
6. mrs./ms./miss
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 1998 03:12:07 EST
Subject: Wash and Wear; WSJ project
I've been looking at the WALL STREET JOURNAL in the 1950s and I found an
article about Japanese clothing, but sorry, no "zori."
Instead, here's "wash and wear." OED has "wash and wear" from 1959.
This is from the WSJ, 10 October 1957, pg. 3, col. 4:
New "Wash and Wear"
Women's Clothing Is
Shown by Dupont
NEW YORK--Du Pont Co. announced introduction of a group of "automatic
wash and wear" women's garments that it says can be washed and dried in
automatic home laundry equipment in about an hour and emerge ready for wear
with no ironing needed.
The clothes, which include suits, skirts, shorts and dresses, are being
made by seven leading women's wear manufacturers, from fabrics containing high
percentages of Du Pont's Orlon and Dacron synthetic fibres, Du Pont said.
They're expected to be delivered to stores early next year, the company added.
(...) The first "automatic wash and wear" men's suits were introduced last
April by a single manufacturer, it said, but next spring 37 men's wear
manufacturers will be in the market with "automatic wash and wear" clothing.
(...) In addition, Du Pont said, it had found in a recent survey of over
1,000 women that "ironing is the most disliked of all household tasks, even
more disliked than scrubbing floors."
I am, of course, aware that the recent WSJs are online. However,
there's something to be said for reading the whole way through. (The
"PEPPER...and Salt" daily cartoons I'm collecting contain loads of wonderful
jargon jokes.)
"Glass ceiling" was discussed here and can be found on the computer. But
the 16 January 1958 WSJ has "feminine fallout." The 16 October 1957 WSJ has
"rubber ceiling." The 20 January 1958 WSJ has "flexible ceiling." I would
not even think of searching for these terms.
My last posting (and methods) should be clarified. Everything I post is
not always an OED "antedate." Some citations illustrate usage, and some are
new terms to the OED. I always check the OED at the library, but don't always
have it with me when I post in these late hours.
"Man in the street" goes back to 1831 in OED, but I'm making a note of it
in reference to "man in The Street" (i.e., Wall Street). The first answering
"set" is not an answering "machine," but c'mon. "Stick a fork in him--he's
done" is not an OED antedate because it's not in OED, but was posted here as a
possible new entry. The RHHDAS, of course, is not up to "S."