Date: Mon, 2 Mar 1998 13:39:12 -0500
From: "Bethany K. Dumas" dumasb[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UTK.EDU
Subject: Dialect Films Request
As part of a textbook I am writing, I envision a chapter structured thus:
Special Cases: Pennsylvania Dutch, Louisiana Creole, Ocracoke, Charleston,
Va. Piedmont; Hawaiian English
I am teaching a class right now in which I want to play videotapes of as
many of these varieties as possible. I have identified snippets from
American Tongues, I have Yeah You Rite, and I am about to order the
Ocracoke video. Where can I get something illustating Chrleston, the Va.
Piedmont, and Hawaiian English? Reply privately if you want to -- I'll
post a summary.
BTW, if you don't have Yeah You Rite, here's the skinny (it's from the
AT folks):
TITLE Yeah you rite! [[videorecording] /]
PUBLISHED New York, NY : Cinema Guild, 1985.
DESCRIPTION 1 videocassette (29 min.) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in.
NOTE VHS format. * Looks at the linguistic diversity of New
Orleans in this amusing study of the ways accent and dialect identify and
influence the people who use them. Examples from vendors, children's
games, social occasions, and people on the street illustrate their
language as an indicator of social and economic rank, race, and
RELATED AUTHOR Center for New American Media. * Cinema Guild.
SUBJECT English language --Social aspects --Louisiana --New Orleans.
* Speech and social status --Louisiana --New Orleans. * New
Orleans (La.) --Social life and customs.