Date: Mon, 14 Mar 1994 09:15:32 EST From: Bruce Southard Subject: Re: Conscious Learning of Accent Many years ago as a Peace Corps English teacher in the Philippines, I suddenly became conscious that I was surrounded by a great number of teenage Filipinos who sounded as if they came from the Texas Panhandle. In learning English, they had copied my West Texas sounds. Not wanting to burden them with the complications that a Texas accent would pose for a Filipino, I consciously tried to change my vowel patterns in particular. As a result, I think that I've ended up with an accent modeled after some subconscious "standard" that probably exists nowhere except in the mind of a once-young displaced Texan. I don't know whether this constitutes "conscious learning of accent" in the sense of Tim Fraser's original inquiry, but I certainly made the choice to change my speech in a particular direction. BRUCE SOUTHARD ENGLISH DEPARTMENT EAST CAROLINA UNIVERSITY ENSOUTHA[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]ECUVM1 ENSOUTHA[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]ECUVM.CIS.ECU.EDU 919-757-6041 919-757-4889 (FAX)