Date: Tue, 15 Mar 1994 09:06:52 MET-1 From: "E.W. Schneider" Subject: Nominative Us There is quite strong evidence for nominative *us* in Rawick`s ex-slave narratives (see my *American Earlier Black English*, Alabama UP 1989, pp. 171, 176-8, 242-5), which in my sample comes up more frequently than standard *we* and is regionally concentrated in the relatively southern range of states (SC-NC-GA-AL-MS-TX) but does not occur in NC-TN-AK-MO. The form is remarkable because it is attested but clearly rare and marginal. It looks like an obvious creolism, and probably it is, but then Gullah has invariant *we* instead, and so do practically all of the Caribbean creoles which are possibly related to AAVE (see the evidence on p. 94 of my article in *English World-Wide* 11 (1990). If anybody has a convincing explanation of the genesis of this usage, I`d be very intereted in seeing it. Best, Edgar Edgar W. Schneider ewschnei[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] University of Regensburg, 93040 Regensburg, Germany phone (int. line)-49-941-9433470 fax (int. line)-49-941-9434992