Date: Wed, 16 Mar 1994 08:47:00 CDT From: Beth Lee Simon Subject: Sports vocabulary and the French lexicon From: IN%"CREWRT-L[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]" "Creative Writing in Education for Teachers and Students" To: Multiple recipients of list CREWRT-L Subject: Re: You want an example of power? ---------------------- Information from the mail header ----------------------- Sender: Creative Writing in Education for Teachers and Students Poster: John Oughton Subject: Re: You want an example of power? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Somebody in France (a committee of the Academie Francaise?) used to publish an anual list of foreign words that were to be, or especially were not to be, allowed into French. My favourite was one that tried to address the mounting interest in baseball in France. Instead of "le catcher," for example, loyal French people were enjoined to say "L'attrapeur des balles..."