Date: Sat, 19 Mar 1994 13:58:40 CST From: "Donald M. Lance" Subject: Re: Southern Palatal Glide in /aesh/ Re Rudy Troike's /aey/ --> /ey/ discussion, in response to David Bergdahl's comment on special/spatial. Evidence from one family, reported by one member of that family, is not huge amount of data, but I wouldn't include /kaent/ [kaeInt] --> /keynt/ for 'can't' in that list. The Lance family, for the generations whose speech I know of, say /keynt/ all the time in conversation. I learned not to tense the vowel in formal style, but am not always successful in keeping the monitor active while I'm, e.g., giving a lecture on dialect -- that is, I slip into my /keynt/ phonology. My father tensed and raised the vowel in our last name -- sometimes -- and his mother did all the time. My father's mother was a Watkins, not a Lance, but that was her pronunciation. Some descendents of 1750s immigrants in our line have kept the spelling 'Lentz'. The Lance tribe does not have /E/ raising before alveopalatals, except for ketch (which I suspect is a lexical matter rather than phonological, along with git -- at least in 20th century form). We don't systematically have [eI] in measure and special. My judgment of family language is no doubt colored by my Valley Talk to some extent. I agree fully with Rudy's comment on Dan Rather's vowel in national. Dan is from way up the coast by Houston, from Wharton. And Lee Pederson (in vol 7 of LAGS) has a dialect boundary just south of the Bay City, El Campo, Wharton area. Rudy and I are from one side of that line and Dan is from the other. So Rudy and I, from a closely-related, neighboring dialect will hear things in Dan Rather's speech that people in Illinois don't (cf. Dennis Preston's data on Indianans' and Michiganders' placement of 9 speakers of regional dialect along a line from Saginaw MI to Dothan AL -- reported in his articles in HEARTLAND ENGLISH and AMERICAN DIALECT RESEARCH (U of Ala P and J Benjamins presses, both 1993). So what's my main point? That one shouldn't include /ae/ raising before [nasal + vl stop] in the same general raising rule that accounts for Bergdahl's [EI]. (N.B. The "raised" pronunciation of 'Lance' has an excrescent [t].) Regional evidence, as well as historical evidence as well as we can reconstruct it, probably supports my hypothesis better than Rudy's. DMLance