Date: Tue, 7 Mar 1995 21:45:35 -0500 From: Alberto Rey Subject: Conferencia Linguistica SPECIAL CALL FOR PAPERS ON HISPANIC LINGUISTICS 45th ANNUAL MOUNTAIN INTERSTATE FOREIGN LANGUAGE CONFERENCE RADFORD UNIVERSITY, Radford, Virginia This annual conference on foreign languages and literatures is soliciting abstracts in any area of Hispanic Linguistics for a number of special sessions in this area of study. Papers may be written in Spanish or English; however, they are limited to no more than 20 minutes ( 9-10 double-spaced pages). Anyone interested in reading a paper should submit an original one-page abstract and two copies, accompanied by a self-addressed envelope and unattached stamps. PAPERS IN ABSENTIA WILL NOT BE READ. For further information and abstract submission please contact: Professor Alberto Rey Department of Modern Languages and Literatures Howard University Washington, D.C. 20059 OFFICE:(202) 806-6758 FAX:(202) 806-4562 email: alrey[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] ------------------ABSTRACT DEADLINE: MAY 10, 1995-----------------------