Date: Wed, 8 Mar 1995 14:57:50 EST From: Larry Horn Subject: Re: Has Went Down (0n the officer who 'has went down' in Harvard--) I heard and noticed that too. It was supposed to be a small town 30 miles north of Chicago. Presumably the form would never have passed muster in the OTHER Harvard. (The interview was on last night's CBS News.) On the other topics, I've heard both 'helicopter' and 'whirlygig' for maple seeds in the New York and Connecticut areas. And both 'pollywog' and 'tadpole' --curiously, if I'm not mistaken, the two are distinguished in one context: the Y's swimming program for kids has various proficiency ranks, with 'polly- wogs' graduating to 'tadpoles'. I may not have that right, though. Larry