Date: Mon, 13 Mar 1995 06:35:52 -0600 From: Joan Livingston-Webber Subject: Sam Hill For what it's worth, I keep thinking of a song, British I think, about a cynical and nasty murderer going to be hanged named Sam Hall. There are several versions. In one the chorus goes: My name is Samuel Hall. It is Sam Hall. (repeat) My name it is Sam Hall and I hate you one and all. You're a bunch of muckers all. God damn your eyes. I don't when the song or the expression Sam Hill started, but I've started hearing the song in my head everytime I read a post about Where in Sam Hill .... My father used to use the expression. He moderated his language around children (most of the time). -- Joan Livingston-Webber webber[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] "What gets better is the precision with which we vex each other." -Clifford Geertz