Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 12:12:00 EST From: "Dennis.Preston" <22709MGR[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MSU.EDU> Subject: > > Bill Smith's observations that in the Southern Shift beat sounds like bait a > bait sounds like bite is right on (and he might have observed that bit sound > a little like beat and bet a little like bait). The problem is in associatin > what are traditionally known as tense and lax vowels with the peripheral and > nonperipheral track that vowels follow in chain shifting. In the Southern > Shift, in what Labov identifies as Pattern IV, /iy/ and /ey/ are lowering > along the nonperipheral track and /I/ and /E/ are raising along the peripher > one. > One must determine the phonetic attributes of sounds which a particular chan > may make use of. I assume it is the nonperipheral (lax) onset of the origina > diphthings of such items as beat and bait which is latched onto by the > lowering, nonperipheral force (as opposed to the tenser, glide-like aspect o > their second parts. Chapters 5 and 6 of Labov's new Prinmciples of Linguisti > Change will give the details (Blackwell, 1994). > Dennis Preston > 22709mgr[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]msu,edu > or > preston[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] >