Date: Mon, 27 Mar 1995 22:48:15 -050 From: Leo Horishny Subject: te: Mon, 27 Mar 95 22:48:15 -050 From: Leo_Horishny[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] (Leo Horishny om: Leo_Horishny[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] (Leo Horishny Organization: Productivity OnLin ganization: Productivity OnLin Subject: Re: had the biscui bject: Re: had the biscui To: ads-l[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Message-ID: <6567728.ensmtp[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] ssage-ID: <6567728.ensmtp[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Priority: norma iority: norma X-Mailer: ExpressNet/SMTP v1.1. Mailer: ExpressNet/SMTP v1.1. MIME-Version: 1. ME-Version: 1. Content-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCI ntent-Type: text/plain; charset=US-ASCI Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bi ntent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bi tent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bi ent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bi Those easily offended regarding what teen-age males might do, should not rea ose easily offended regarding what teen-age males might do, should not rea further Zr Zr r E0 E0 Spoiler spac oiler spac iler spac ler spac er spac r spac spac spac pac Zr Zr r The fellow claimed that at the school he attended, they had this game wher e fellow claimed that at the school he attended, they had this game wher they would place a biscuit (which I think can mean cookie in England) in th ey would place a biscuit (which I think can mean cookie in England) in th center of a group of boys. The last one to ejaculate onto the biscuit, had t nter of a group of boys. The last one to ejaculate onto the biscuit, had t eat it t it it it -- Ji __________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ Sounds plausible I guess. I remember hearing enough stories about variation unds plausible I guess. I remember hearing enough stories about variation of circle circle jerks when I was in my late teens to wonder, "As many of these as are ou rks when I was in my late teens to wonder, "As many of these as are ou there, WHO's ere, WHO's doing them?" I'm not saying I wouldn't have found myself in a position t ing them?" I'm not saying I wouldn't have found myself in a position t participate when rticipate when was younger, but I didn't think about these activities nor did any of th males I knew growing les I knew growing up talk about or describe them. I wonder sometimes just how close to 'urba talk about or describe them. I wonder sometimes just how close to 'urba legend' statu gend' statu these were. ese were. E0 0 No Flame Intended.. Of course, too, until I moved to Cincinnati, the idea of a single sex hig course, too, until I moved to Cincinnati, the idea of a single sex hig school never crossed _X my mind either!! How barbaric, how sublime a way to ensure the sexes see eac mind either!! How barbaric, how sublime a way to ensure the sexes see eac other only i her only i specific settings and not in an everyday light. I still think it's weird at ecific settings and not in an everyday light. I still think it's weird at teenage level to do this enage level to do this College level is one thing, but not in their formative years, IMHO llege level is one thing, but not in their formative years, IMHO lege level is one thing, but not in their formative years, IMHO ege level is one thing, but not in their formative years, IMHO leo_horishny[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] o_horishny[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] _horishny[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]