Date: Fri, 31 Mar 1995 07:51:18 -0500 From: Wayne Glowka Subject: Re: Ambrosia? >Gosh, > I had forgotten (blocked out) that confection. We did call it ambrosia. > >Speaking of another delightful mixture...Does anybody else besides my neighbors >in Chicago call a mixture of sherbet (lime or orange) and ginger ale *frappe.* >Pronounced frap? > >BHHudson A private joke among a couple of Catholics I have known (who think of weddings in terms of the open bar at the reception at an Italian wedding) refers to this concoction as the "Baptist wedding punch." This stuff is very frequently served at receptions of all kinds in Central Georgia and is called "punch" by the people who make it and drink it (with a plate of cheese straws, divinity, and weird little sandwiches). Wayne Glowka Professor of English Director of Research and Graduate Student Services Georgia College Milledgeville, GA 31061 912-453-4222 wglowka[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]