Date: Mon, 18 Mar 1996 17:33:48 -0500 From: Ronald Butters Subject: Re: English Dialect Information Exchange On Mon, 18 Mar 1996, Charlotte Thomas wrote: > If we did take it upon > ourselves to say who could and who could not subscibe to the list > according to the language/dialect they speak, we may be denying that > person the opportunity to learn and contribute, and denying others > the opportunty to learn from them. Is it Sheffield dialect to write "If we did . . . we may be denying . . ." rather than "If we did . . . we might be denying . . ."? Or is this example just a typo? > "Why does anyone believe he ought to speak better than he > can, and so in the end speak far worse than he might?" > (P.Wright, 1974) Anyway, thanks for the invitation--and for the inclusive nature of the proposed discussion group! >