Date: Tue, 19 Mar 1996 21:50:20 -0500 From: "H Stephen Straight (Binghamton University, SUNY)" Subject: Say what? I would appreciate an interpretation of the following excerpt. The target phrase that leaves me bewildered is "you don't steal from the Internet". Is this Franglais, or what? Best. 'Bye. Steve H Stephen Straight, Dir, Lgs Across the Curric, Binghamton U (SUNY) Nat'l For Lg Ctr, Jan-Jun 96 VOX: 202-667-8100 - FAX: 202-667-6907 S-Mail: 1619 Mass Ave NW (at Scott Circle), Washington, DC 20036 ["sstraigh", not "sstraight"] ---------- Forwarded message ---------- ***************************************************************** Edupage, 19 March 1996. Edupage, a summary of news items on information technology, is provided three times each week as a service by Educom, a Washington, D.C.-based consortium of leading colleges and universities seeking to transform education through the use of information technology. ***************************************************************** [lots of great stuff omitted -- subscription recommended! -- HSS] FRENCH BOOK BANNED, THEN PIRATED The book "Le Grand Secret," banned by a French judge on the grounds that it violates the privacy of the family of the late French President Francois Mitterand, has turned up on various Web sites in violation of copyright law. One publishing executive says, "Just as we teach our children not to steal toys, just as we teach our children not to plagiarize, we have to get across the message that you don't steal from the Internet." However, French government officials are less than enthusiastic about aggressively enforcing copyright protection for a book that has been banned. (New York Times 18 Mar 96 A1) [lots more great stuff and credits omitted -- subscribe as follows -- HSS] *************************************************************** EDUPAGE is what you've just finished reading. To subscribe to Edupage: send a message to: listproc[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] and in the body of the message type: subscribe edupage Ferde Grofe (assuming that your name is Ferde Grofe; if it's not, substitute your own name). ... To cancel, send a message to: listproc[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] and in the body of the message type: unsubscribe edupage. (Subscription problems? Send mail to educom[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] [final stuff omitted]