Date: Wed, 20 Mar 1996 16:54:52 -0600 From: Samuel Jones Subject: Re: Oklahoma Red-Eye Gravy - Mr. Joseph Jones' statement is almost exactly what I experienced with red-eye gravy in Oklahoma, back in the 1930's. Fried country ham first, them some water added to the meat-grease residue, and, by golly!, red-eye gravy for those big baking-powder biscuits. I'm in agreement with his recollection about the gravy's reddish hue and the little reddish round spots of grease surrounded by water. It was larrupin' good! smjones ______________________________________________________________________________ >The red-eye gravy my mother made in N.C. 30-40 years ago >was made in the skillet with water and what remained after >frying country ham. Put on the table in a small container >and eaten after it was poured over a homemade baking-soda >biscuit. I had always assumed "red-eye" because the gravy >was reddish and full of little round spots of grease. > > >Joseph Jones jjones[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] >University of British Columbia Library ____________________________________________________________________________ DR. SAMUEL M. JONES INTERNET: smjones1[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] Prof. of Music & Latin American Studies TELNET: samjones[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] 5434 Humanities Building FAX: 608 + 262-8876 (UW) 455 North Park Street __________________________________________ University of Wisconsin-Madison TELEPHONES: 608 + 263-1900 (UW-Lv. message) Madison, WI 53706-1483 * 608 + 263-1924 * (UW-Office - * VOICE MAIL--Lv message) ____________________________________________________________________________ "Pen-y-Bryn" TELEPHONES: 608 + 233-2150 (Home) 122 Shepard Terrace 608 + 233-4748 (Home) Madison, WI 53705-3614 ____________________________________________________________________________