Date: Fri, 22 Mar 1996 12:18:17 -0500 From: "Dale F.Coye" Subject: May-might I'm finding some of these examples too forced to judge. Taking a look at Webster's Usage Dict. and Webster's Third I find helps clear things up for me. By the way, I think we're talking just about possibility, aren't we? Next, I would say in my speech, that in a condition contrary to fact statement (with if clause) MIGHT must be used and not MAY. 10. He might have won if he'd tried harder 11. *He may have won if he'd tried harder. But with no additional clause both may and might are interchangeable in their ability to express possibility, with, as W3 notes, might perhaps expressing somewhat less possibility 12. Did he win? a. He may have. b. He might have In other words- it's possible- I just don't know. 13. You may be right 14. You might be right In other words, I'm not sure, or I'm agreeing with you politely. Curiously, I find an exact reversal of what we'd expect in the past, where I find MAY the only choice in this sentence... 15. Someone may have lived there years ago (It's possible, but I don't know) *Someone might have lived there years ago ...because of the interference I think I'm getting from MIGHT clauses with IF. 16. He might have lived there happily, if she hadn't dragged him overseas. WDEU says of the confusion, that MAY is more common in Brit. Eng. and gives this example as ambiguous, which I find clear 17. At first it was believed that the boy may have survived in a pocket of air, but...(he had already drowned). WDEU says we are led to believe the boy lived. But doesn't the AT FIRST take care of that? But-clauses are more difficult for me. Paraphrasing Beth's NY Times article: 18. He may finish higher than her, but he did make that mistake (present possibility) 19. He might finish higher than her, but he did make that mistake (equal to 18) 20. He may have finished higher than her, but he did make that mistake (It's true he finished high, but he shouldn't get too cocky cause he goofed badly at one point) Here we're out of the realm of possiblity. This is the way the NYT phrased it but they meant to convey the meaning in 21. 21. He might have finished higher than her, but he made that mistake Sentence 21 is in the past, and I'd be more likely to say... 22. He could have finished higher than her, if he hadn't made that mistake Dale Coye The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching Princeton, NJ.