Date: Mon, 25 Mar 1996 23:34:03 -0700 From: William King Subject: Re: Lavatory = ? My understanding of lavatory is first a euphemism for bathroom, but usually in a public place. The NYC image I have of lavatory is a small room with a porcelain sink possibly removed by another architecturally separated area from the toilet and/or tub. This is not a new sink. It is an old one with spoke-handled faucets topped with a chrome "H" or "C", or if older, a porcelain "hot" or "cold". Whether this is a NYC term or just an older, NE, urban (relatively speaking) term is beyond me. Older apartments had separated sinks, the kind with three overflow drain holes at the rear of the basin beneath the faucets. Such a sink could be found in isolation in an apartment or house as a wash-up location. Large basins where workers could wash up after a shift were provided in factories where there were no showers available. I don't know what these were actually called. A wash basin to me is a deep, rectangular sink intended for washing clothes or perhaps pots. When my resident NYC informant is available, I'll ask her about this. By the way, I had no idea re hissy fit before she quoted someone from greater NYC, but she never uses it. Is this another chronologically differentiated item? Bill King U. of Arizona SLAT Program