Date: Tue, 11 Mar 1997 14:07:00 -0700 From: "Enrique Figueroa E." Subject: Re: recently attested items I'd take a guess not only at "-mente" and "-mundo", but also at "-bundo" ("tremebundo", etc.)... M. E. On Mon, 10 Mar 1997, Larry Horn wrote: > 1) on register, context, and l-lessness: On the ABC World News Tonight > Friday, Vice President Gore--a Tennessean, of course--was doing one of those > tours-to-see-how-devastating-the-devastation-was along the flooded Ohio > between Kentucky and Ohio. He promised that "we"--the Federal > government--"will hep you". I was struck by the l-->0/__p as used by Al Gore; > somehow it seems unlikely that he would have been ready to offer to "hep" the > Bosnians restore peace to their land, or to "hep" schoolchildren gain better > access to the information highway. I think it's also relevant that he was > wearing jeans and a sport shirt for the flood tour, while the "hep"-less > contexts would be ones in which he'd be wearing a suit and tie. > > 2) on mock- or faux-Spanish (no problemo, etc.): another formation I've > come across recently is the superlative-forming -mondo, e.g. the use of > both "correctamundo" and "perfectamundo" in a currently-airing radio > commercial for RCA. I tried tracking them down via Nexis, and traced the > former back to 1989, where the first (of 19) citations included a reference to > the popularizing of the term by the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Evidently, > though, "correctamundo" has outlived Raffy, Leo, Mike and Don. > "Perfectamundo", on the other hand, had just two cites, the earlier in 1992. > Did this suffix derive from a perverse blend of -mente and mundo? Best not to > know, perhaps. > > 3) some evidence that positive "anymore" is indeed spreading outside of its > original area, even among non-linguists: The speaker is a sportscaster on > local New York all-sports radio WFAN, Joe Benigno. Joe is, like me, a native > Noo Yawka, and wears it proudly, r-lessness and all. He's actually a guy who > used to call in so regularly that he was given his own show to host, albeit > one that starts at 1:00 a.m. or so. So anyway here he is complaining about > how inconsistently the home town basketball team, the New York Knicks, have > been playing, just following the post-game show after "another agita special". > What he says is "The Knicks are a different team from quarter to quarter > anymore". Only, given the regional loyalty, they're "a different team from > kwawta tuh kwawta anymaw". (Sorry for the transcription; ascii doth make > dialect novelists of us all.) Somehow the combination of the indigenous > vocalic clusters and the very much non-indigenous use of "anymore" struck me as > particularly incongruous. > > Any thoughts? > > --Larry >