Date: Sun, 8 May 1994 10:12:00 EDT
From: "Dennis.Preston" 22709MGR[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]MSU.EDU
Subject: case
The observation that 'case' also has a gambling/underworld sense of 'last'
matches data and memory I have. It would have been excluded from DARE both on
the grounds that it belonged to a special register (or registers) and that it
had no clear geographic distribution.
In this register, however, it is not clear to me if the term 'case' for last
is extended from cards to money or vice-versa. My clearest memory of it (and
this is confirmed in some old data I have from the '60's) is in reference to
cards, particularly 'desirable' ones, and most specifically the 'case ace,'
the last ace in the deck in that hand.
Dennis Preston
N.B.: New address