Date: Sun, 8 May 1994 21:01:52 EDT
Subject: Case quarter, Anymore
The terms 'case quarter', 'case dime', etc. were new to this Tennessean
when he moved to South Carolina in 1981, but here they are quite
common and are to an extent ethnically marked. I've not had an African
American student in the past five years who didn't know them, while maybe
twenty to thirty percent of white students native to South Carolina do.
As for the positive 'anymore' in American English, I review the evidence
for its having an Ulster connection in "Exploring the Roots of Appalachian
English" in ENGLISH WORLD-WIDE 10.241-42 (1989). Bruce Boling's failure
to find one instance of it in his Irish Emigrant Letter Corpus and the
failure of John Kirk and his Northern Ireland students to hear it are both
important to note. Yet so are James Milroy's statements in his 1981 book
on Belfast speech that positive 'anymore' is "perhaps the most striking
connection between Ulster and the United States . . . . although it must
at one time have been quite widespread in the north of Ireland . . . our
researches have so far uncovered it only in the Irish-speaking area of
Donegal, where it can be used with present or future meaning" (3-4). Most
citations from Ireland and Scotland have future-tense verbs (e.g. 'There'll
be herring any more") that look very different from American patterns of
usage, so perhaps positive 'anymore' has taken on its own development and
is more American than anything else.
But as far as its ultimate source is concerned, Scotch-Irish emigrants
from Ulster are the best bet until the form is attested somewhere else,
despite the puzzle posed by Boling and Kirk not finding it.
Michael Montgomery, University of South Carolina