Date: Sat, 14 May 1994 15:55:13 -0700


Subject: Re: The text and beyond Cynthia.

I am looking forward to seeing Cynthia Bernstein's ling/lit book. It

brings up a slightly out of ADS query:

This fall I will be conducting a grad seminar in "Linguistics and

Poetry." Our English dept feels it is high time that students of lit have

a smattering of familiarity with the language in which their lit is


For texts I selected Richard Bradford's Routledge book, _A Linguistic

History of English Poetry_ and Elizabeth Traugott's _Linguistics for

Major in Literature_. But I'm looking for ancillary things for the

reserve shelf and for individual assignments (each student gets another

personally assigned text). I'm having trouble coming up with a balanced

list of these. I have Hill, Levin, and all the older things in

structural studies and stylistics, but need a newer listing. I'm glad

Cynthia listed some. I'd like some more, if anyone has suggestions.

We are holding Lingusitics and Prose Lit for next year. Right now I'm

interested in Linguistic studies of English language poetry from 1600.

Please reply directly to me. If the response warrants, I'll put a

bibliography on the list. Dare we hope that a bibliography of linguistic

studies of literature could exist? As rare as an Elvis sighting.

