Date: Tue, 24 May 1994 11:03:04 -0500


Subject: Re: King of the hill

Mike Picone writes:

As a native son of Illinois, I am honor-bound to correct the record on this

one. Natural hills are a seasonal phenomenon in Illinois.

Of course I'll always be a tourist, though I've lived here 20 years. The

children on our cul-de-sac are too yuppified to play king of the hill.

Instead they are all into virtual reality and play Mighty Morphin' Power

Rangers. Why be King of the Hill when you can be Master of the Universe?

Hey Red Ranger, let's morph!

Dennis (whatever happened to Ring o leevio, or however you want to

transcribe it--a game apparently so deadly that it was forbidden in our

Queens schoolyards way back then).


Dennis Baron debaron[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]

Department of English 217-333-2392

University of Illinois fax: 217-333-4321

608 South Wright Street

Urbana, Illinois 61801