Date: Wed, 25 May 1994 06:40:33 CDT
From: Natalie Maynor maynor[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]CS.MSSTATE.EDU
Subject: More Old Mail (re: "pop")
Date: Fri, 13 May 1994 23:23:43 -0400
From: BITNET list server at UGA (1.7f) LISTSERV[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]
Subject: ADS-L: error report from UCLAMVS
The enclosed mail file, found in the ADS-L reader and shown under the spoolid
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------------------ Message in error (34 lines) -------------------------
Date: Fri, 13 May 94 20:22 PDT
Subject: Re: Re: pop
Literature on "pop". I can only think offhand of a national map of usage in
the Cultural Atlas of North America, don't have the reference. For what
it's worth, "soda" seems to be one of the few contributions of the New York
City area to Los Angeles. As a kid, "pop" sounded "hickish" to me. I
sometimes heard it in commercials, written by who knows who from the "Midwest"
Soda, tonic, pop, seltzer etc are part of complex patterns of semantic
shifts which have taken place (maybe still are) over large areas of the
States. Somebody told me "coke" is generic in New Orleans. Iwas there, but
I forgot what I found out. "Pop" is used in Northern England and Scotland,
"soda" in Southern England and the former Empire. Benji