Date: Fri, 27 May 1994 11:03:16 CDT


Subject: Red Rover play action

In describing Red Rover play action, Wayne Glowka wrote:

If the child succeeds in crashing through the arms, his

team has won the game or at least a point.

That's not how I remember playing it in either Illinois (as a kid) or

Oregon (as a camp counselor). Red Rover was the if-you-can't-beat-'em-join-

'em game par excellence. When someone from side A couldn't accumulate

enough force to break through linked arms on side B, he/she was absorbed

into triumphant side B. If he/she succeded in breaking through, he/she

would take someone back as booty to enlarge the ranks of side A. When

and if one side was completely absorbed by the other, the game came to

an end. Needless to say, it could be like the card game War and go

on ad nauseum. Kind of like this discussion. (Ha, ha, only kidding of


Mike Picone

University of Alabama