Date: Fri, 5 May 1995 11:43:12 CST


Subject: SPCL Meeting at the 1996 LSA Meeting

I thought members of this list may be interested in this announcement.



Call for Papers

Society for Pidgin and Creole Languages


5-7 January 1996 (San Diego)

DEADLINE for submitting abstracts: July 31, 1995


The Society for Pidgin and Creole Languages will meet on 5-7 January 1996

in conjunction with the Linguistic Society of America at

Sheraton Harbor Island Single Double Occupancy

in San Diego (U.S.A.) $79.00 $86.00

Phone: (619) 692-2265

Abstracts on phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, lexicon, social

aspects of language, history of the discipline or any pertinent issue

involving pidgin and creole languages are invited for anonymous review by a

five member panel.

Abstracts: Two abstracts of different length should be submitted:

(1) A short, publishable abstract for the 1996 LSA Meeting Handbook (for

format specifications, see attached form, the December 1995 LSA Bulletin,

or contact Prof. Armin Schwegler via e-mail at Aschwegl[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] ).

(2) a longer, single spaced one- to two-page version of the abstract (the

panel of reviewers will use this abstract for evaluating your submission).

FORMAT: Your name, address, affiliation, status (student, faculty) E-mail

address, FAX, and phone number should appear above the short abstract.

Please put the full title of the paper on both abstracts.

Membership in SPCL includes a subscription to the Journal of Pidgin &

Creole Languages (only one member within the same household need subscribe

to the journal). The cost for both membership and the journal is US $54.00

or Dutch guilder (Hfl.) 92.00 per year. Students may participate in the

conference without subscribing to the journal, but they must be a member of

the SPCL. Regular membership dues and subscriptions should be sent to John

Benjamins Publishing Company (address below). Students opting not to

subscribe to the journal should send the $8.00 membership fee directly to

Prof. A. Schwegler at UC Irvine (address below).

Benjamins Benjamins

Amsteldijk 44 - P.O. Box 75577 821 Bethlehem Pike


Mail abstracts to: Deadline for RECEIPT of


============================= =================================

Prof. Armin Schwegler

Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese July 31, 1995

University of California, Irvine

Irvine, CA 92717


e-mail: ASchwegl[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]

FAX: 714/824-2803

Phone 714/824-6901

Special note:

E-mail submissions cannot be accepted. Faxed submissions to meet the

deadline must be followed immediately by mailed abstracts on regular paper

(clean copy is needed to reproduce your abstract in the book of abstracts

for conference participants).


Prof. Armin Schwegler Tel. 714/854-4791

Dept. of Spanish and Portuguese FAX. 714/824-2803

Univ. of California, Irvine

Irvine, CA 92717 (U.S.A.) E-mail: ASchwegl[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]


Salikoko S. Mufwene

University of Chicago

Dept. of Linguistics

1010 East 59th Street

Chicago, IL 60637


312-702-8531; fax: 312-702-9861