Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 02:00:00 LCL
Subject: Re: Textbook Query
Book orders are due tomorrow. Finally, after fifteen years of wishing,
I'll be teaching linguistics to sophomores in the fall. A colleague and I
are thinking of using Fromkin and Rodman. Has anyone used this text? How
did it work? Is there perhaps a better text to use?
fromkin and rodman is a little shallow--otherwise good. if you
expect sophomores to go a little more in-depth, then i enjoy (except
for a few quibbles) o'grady, dobrovolsky, and aronoff _contemporary
linguistics (2nd ed.)_ (st. martin's press). we're still getting it
for our first year class even though there was a mix up this year
because it's mysteriously not in the st. martin'ss catalogue.
my suggestion should be qualified, though--i only teach parts of the
course (intro, neuroling, animal comm, morph, & semantics), so i
judge the book just on this basis.
lynne murphy