Date: Mon, 8 May 1995 08:17:56 -0700
From: "Joseph B. Monda" monda[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]SEATTLEU.EDU
Subject: Re: Textbook Query
On Mon, 8 May 1995, Wayne Glowka wrote:
Book orders are due tomorrow. Finally, after fifteen years of wishing,
I'll be teaching linguistics to sophomores in the fall. A colleague and I
are thinking of using Fromkin and Rodman. Has anyone used this text? How
did it work? Is there perhaps a better text to use?
It was okay. It covered the basics without transcending either my or the
students' capabilities.
Joe Monda
Wayne Glowka
Professor of English
Director of Research and Graduate Student Services
Georgia College
Milledgeville, GA 31061