Date: Sun, 21 May 1995 10:22:24 -0400
From: "E. Wayles Browne" ewb2[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]CORNELL.EDU
Subject: Study of jokes
Milan Sipka, a Slavist in Sarajevo (yes, there's scholarly life in Sarajevo,
amid the siege!) writes to me on e-mail that he is working on a book
to be called "Linguistic Means of Creating Jokes." He asks me what
there is in American linguistics on similar topics. I have heard of works
by Victor Raskin, but would appreciate exact citations. If anyone can
suggest bibliography, or provide extracts from articles that I can
send by e-mail, I'd be very grateful.
Please reply on the list or to me directly, ewb2[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] .
Wayles Browne, Assoc. Prof. of Linguistics
Dept. of Modern Languages and Linguistics, Morrill Hall
Cornell University
Ithaca, New York 14853, U.S.A.
tel. 607-255-0712 (o), 607-273-3009 (h)
e-mail ewb2[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] (1989 to 1993 was: jn5j[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]cornella.bitnet //