Date: Thu, 9 May 1996 17:45:59 +0000
From: Grant Barrett gbarrett[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]JERRYNET.COM
Subject: RE out-of-pocket
I'm also from Missouri, and I find "out of pocket" generally means "unpla=
nned" and is most often used in referring to money. "Unplanned" or "unexp=
ected" work in a general way in both your parents' uses, I think, though =
not as direct synonyms for "out of pocket".=20
Your parents might say "I'm sorry we couldn't be there because we were in=
an unexpected place". Your friend might say "Those additional charges ar=
e for unexpected costs".
Unfortunately, I get the idea that "out of pocket" is one of those terms =
that has been used in one way so long that it will in the end only be use=
d to describe unexpected or unplanned expenses.=20