Date: Mon, 13 May 1996 13:07:09 -0400
Subject: Callaway/O'Connor Chair Ad
Here is a job advertisement that we would appreciate having circulated in
English departments. Thanks for your help.
Wayne Glowka
The Fuller E. Callaway Endowed Flannery O'Connor Chair
in Creative Writing
Department of English, Speech, and Journalism
Georgia College
Milledgeville, Georgia 31061
Established fiction writers are invited to submit applications for a
tenure-track appointment to the Fuller E. Callaway Endowed Flannery
O'Connor Chair in Creative Writing at Georgia College, Milledgeville,
Georgia 31061. Georgia College, with an enrollment of approximately 5,700
students and a liberal arts focus, is a senior comprehensive college in the
University System of Georgia. It is the alma mater of Flannery O'Connor
and the repository of the O'Connor manuscripts. The Callaway/O'Connor
Chair offers a unique opportunity for a fiction writer to pursue his or her
craft in the lovely antebellum capital of Georgia. Milledgeville has a
population of 18,675, and Baldwin County has a population of 41,086.
Located in central Georgia, Milledgeville affords easy access to the cities
of Macon and Atlanta.
Applicants must possess the following criteria: (1) recognized
distinction in the field of fiction writing, (2) a record of outstanding
teaching and demonstrated proficiency in the use of various teaching
techniques, including technology-based applications, (3) recognized success
in working with students to achieve high levels of learning and with
faculty to stimulate the desire to improve teaching and learning, and (4)
the ability to provide workshops and peer support. The Callaway/O'Connor
Professor will teach two thirds of a full-time course load each quarter,
with the remaining one-third time being used to serve as a catalyst among
faculty for fostering improved teaching and learning campus wide.
The Callaway/O'Connor Professorship is a nine-month, tenure-track
appointment at the rank of professor, effective September 1, 1996.
Applications will be received until July 1, 1996, or until position is
filled. Salary $70,000 plus fringe benefits. Send letter of application,
official transcripts of all college course work, three letters of
recommendation, and a vita to Dr. R. B. Jenkins, Chairman, Department of
English, Speech, and Journalism, CBX 44, Georgia College, Milledgeville,
Georgia 31061. Georgia College is an affirmative action/equal opportunity
employer, ADA. Women, African-Americans, and other minorities are
encouraged to apply.
Dr. Ronald Bradford Jenkins, Chairman
Department of English, Speech, and Journalism
Georgia College
Milledgeville, Georgia 31061
Telephone 912-453-4581; GIST 324-4581
FAX 912-454-0873