To register, you may either:
1. Send this form by surface mail to:
Department of Linguistics and
Modern English Language,
Lancaster University,
Lancaster LA1 4YT
United Kingdom
2. Or fax it to: +44 - 1524 - 843085
3. Or email it to: mcenery[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]computing.lancaster.ac.uk
or mcenery[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]comp.lancs.ac.uk
4. Or fill in the interactive form on the World Wide Web at the URL
Please register BEFORE 1st June 1996, otherwise we cannot guarantee
availability of accommodation.
The fee for TALC96 includes the following:
Attendance at all TALC96 sessions
Conference Pack including Book of Abstracts
Accommodation on 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th August
Meals: 9th August: afternoon coffee and dinner
10th August: breakfast plus mid-morning coffee, lunch, afternoon
coffee and dinner.
11th August: breakfast plus mid-morning coffee, lunch, afternoon
coffee and dinner.
12th August: breakfast plus mid-morning coffee, lunch.
Accommodation is provided in single study bedrooms on the Lancaster
University main campus.
Payment Details:
Fees are payable in Pounds Sterling or US Dollars. Please make cheques
payable to 'Lancaster University'. Sterling money orders can also be
used for payment, and must be made payable to 'Lancaster University'.
US Dollar cheques are also acceptable, using a fixed exchange rate of
1.5 $US to the Pound. Unfortunately, we cannot accept credit card
Name: _______________________________________________
Title: _______________________________________________
Department: _______________________________________________
Organisation: _______________________________________________
Address: _______________________________________________
Postcode/City: _______________________________________________
Country _______________________________________________
Telephone: ____________________________
Fax: ____________________________
Email: ____________________________
Attendance at TALC96 Í ß
Residential #225.00 Í ß
Student #170.00 Í ß
Non-Residential #90.00 Í ß
NOTE: Students must provide written evidence of their full time student
status, such as an official headed letter from their supervisor.
Special dietary requirements:
None Í ß Vegetarian Í ß Vegan Í ß
Other Í ß
Please specify:
Any other comments:
Local Organising Committee
Gerry Knowles - Lancaster University, UK
Tony McEnery - Lancaster University, UK
Anne Wichmann - Central Lancashire University, UK
Simon Botley - Lancaster University, UK
General Organising Committee
Bernhard Kettemann - Graz, AU
Lou Burnard - Oxford University, UK
Tim Johns - Birmingham University, UK