Date: Fri, 24 May 1996 16:56:08 -0500
From: "Kathleen M. O'Neill" koneil1[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]UIC.EDU
Subject: Re: "I was about to say"
Suzanne spake thusly:
My working hypothesis, if one can even term it that, is that it is a
gesture of either:
1) informing the conversation partner that you had had the same thought
they have just expressed
2) a general statement of sympathy with the sentiments the conversation
partner had just expressed
Actually, I (and many others I've heard)
have at least one more use for it.
Speaker A makes a statement which is either
intentionally or unintentionally misleading,
then clarifies intended meaning.
Speaker B responds with a hearty,
"I was about to say...!"
For example:
A: I'm spending the weekend at the beach.
B: You are? (Thinking it's a little cold
yet in Chicago for the beach.)
A: Yes. In Cozumel. (wry grin)
B: OH! I was about to say...!
Never mind that it's not a likely scenario.
I'm allowed to dream if I want to. ;)
And have a great Memorial Day weekend, all!
;Kathleen M. O'Neill ... Language Laboratory Technician I ;
;University of Illinois at Chicago ... Language Laboratory ;
;703 South Morgan Street (M/C 042) ... Grant Hall, Room 311 ;
;Chicago, IL 60607-7025 ;
;312.996.8838 or 312.996.8836 ... 312.996.5501 FAX ;
;URL: ;