Date: Sun, 8 May 1994 21:14:17 -700 From: Keith Russell Subject: Re: case On Sun, 8 May 1994, Al Futrell wrote: > One meaning of "case" that DARE does not include is "last." In relation > to money, especially the instance of 'case' meaning 'dollar,' "case" > refers to one's last dollar. Thus, a case dollar is one's last dollar, > so when someone is down to his case dollar or down to his case or caser > he is almost broke. "He took my case note" means he took my last dollar. > This sense of "case" comes from gambling -- and Maurer (Language > of the Underworld) and Clark (Dictionary of Gambling and Gaming) and > Wentworth and Flexner (Dictionary of American Slang) and Goldin, > O'Leary, and Lipsius (Dictionary of American Underworld Lingo) and > even Farmer and Henley (Slang and its Analogues) include this sense of > "case" even though it is missing in DARE. > > With regard to "case" suggesting unity, as in a case quarter rather > than 5 nickels, in Kentucky I have often heard people ask for a > "silver" dime when they want an actual dime and not just 10 cents. > Assuming that "case" and "silver" are synonyms and noticing that > DARE's examples of "case" for a coin of a particular denomination > all come from the South, I am wondering how folks above the > Mason-Dixon line refer to a particualr denomination of a coin. > I ask this having grown up in Illinois and not remembering how I > used to talk! Easy.... A quarter is a quarter! If I ask for twenty-five cents, I expect to get any combination of coins adding up to that amount. If I asked for a quarter and someone gave me five nickels, my response would be, "No, I need a quarter!" In my dialect, and that of my friends, "case quarter" would be clearly redundant. Keith Russell wkr[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]