Date: Wed, 25 May 1994 06:40:33 CDT From: Natalie Maynor Subject: More Old Mail (re: "pop") > Date: Fri, 13 May 1994 23:23:43 -0400 > From: BITNET list server at UGA (1.7f) > Subject: ADS-L: error report from UCLAMVS > > The enclosed mail file, found in the ADS-L reader and shown under the spoolid > 2601 in the console log, has been identified as a possible delivery error > notice for the following reason: "Sender:", "From:" or "Reply-To:" field > pointing to the list has been found in mail body. > > ------------------ Message in error (34 lines) ------------------------- > Date: Fri, 13 May 94 20:22 PDT > From: benji wald > Subject: Re: Re: pop > > Literature on "pop". I can only think offhand of a national map of usage in > the Cultural Atlas of North America, don't have the reference. For what > it's worth, "soda" seems to be one of the few contributions of the New York > City area to Los Angeles. As a kid, "pop" sounded "hickish" to me. I > sometimes heard it in commercials, written by who knows who from the "Midwest" > Soda, tonic, pop, seltzer etc are part of complex patterns of semantic > shifts which have taken place (maybe still are) over large areas of the > States. Somebody told me "coke" is generic in New Orleans. Iwas there, but > I forgot what I found out. "Pop" is used in Northern England and Scotland, > "soda" in Southern England and the former Empire. Benji > --------------------------TEXT-OF-YOUR-MAIL-------------------------------- > > > From: Todd N Nims > > Subject: Re: pop > > > > In Southwest Alabama, coke is used almost exclusivly by people raised in > > the area. If coke isnt used then drink (w/o soft) would be used in its > > place. However, since the area has become more and more a "haven" for > > snowbirds, people who have moved in from nearby cities, and tourists, > > I have heard most all of the words presented on this list at one time or > > another. Also, when you want to specify a specific brand you would just > > give its brand name (of course). > > Todd N. Nims