Date: Sat, 28 May 1994 21:55:37 -0500 From: Dennis Baron Subject: Re: Red Rover > > Dennis, > I wonder if there is a correlation between not being picked for > competitive schoolyard games and winding up in an English department? > --Rudy Troike (rtroike[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] > Well, Rudy, looking at my colleagues I'd say yes. But what happens is all of a sudden a few of them suddenly discover they're really closet jocks and you get a department softball team and volleyball team and then of course you know that the next step is that they're all hobbling around with knee bandages and wrist casts and foam collars. So our softball team, the Frumious Bandersnatch, fell apart after the captain had triple bypass surgery and the pitcher got a rotator cuff infjury. Our department jazz band went the same way: the Footnotes trumpet player couldn't figure out how to read charts with bifocals on and the tenor sax man got a new computer . --- dennis debaron[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE] (\ 217-333-2392 \'\ fax: 217-333-4321 Dennis Baron \'\ __________ Department of English / '| ()_________) Univ. of Illinois \ '/ \ ~~~~~~~~ \ 608 S. Wright St. \ \ ~~~~~~ \ Urbana IL 61801 ==). \__________\ (__) ()__________)