Date: Mon, 1 May 1995 13:09:05 -0400 From: Wayne Glowka Subject: Business/[bIdnIs] In HEL this morning, I was trying to show how Old Icelandic "mathr" could be derived from something like Proto-Germanic "mannaz." I should have known better, but when I explained that the changes were no more bizarre than those illustrated in the standard pronunciation of "business" and in the Southern [bIdnIs], there was some vocal objection from some local students. There were two different words involved in this case: [bIznIs] is a "real" word that refers to a commercial enterprise ("he owns a business"); [bIdnIs] refers to whatever it is that someone is doing that is no one else's affair ("it's none of your [bIdnIs]"). One of the students, who uses [bIdnIs], wanted to know if it was a real word. Time was up before I could say much about "pidgin" as a related term. Wayne Glowka Professor of English Director of Research and Graduate Student Services Georgia College Milledgeville, GA 31061 912-453-4222 wglowka[AT SYMBOL GOES HERE]