Date: Tue, 2 May 1995 08:12:15 -0400 From: David Muschell Subject: Re: Cross-post: on n X short of a Y >Ach! You're right. In fact, I was thinking that the rock-and-roller >was Van Halen, but maybe I mean Van Allen. > >beth You've "Jump"ed (big Van Halen hit) to the wrong conclusion: Locklear _was_ married to hard-rocker Tommie Lee (one tatoo short of a taboo) who is now married to _BayWatch_ beauty Pamela Anderson ("Pamela": an "invented" name from _Arcadia_ by Sidney (late 1500's) quite fitting for a self-invented sex symbol who is one swimsuit short of a synchronized swim team). They had "rings" tatooed on their fingers (how touching, and how difficult to get removed if vows turn to rows). Just tabbing through the tabloids (and trying _hard_ to stay on task [X short of a Y] for the sake of the side road we've taken. David Muschell Georgia College